Kit can be purchased direct from the club. We have the following items available in our own unique HRR design – vests, T shirts, long sleeved T shirts and hoodies. More items will be added in due course
To buy your new kit visit the Shop noting the following.
o Items can be collected before our Tuesday or Thursday sessions – you can express a preference when you order.
o If you find that you have the wrong size, this can be changed upon collection, so please select a size that you believe will suit (suggest that you use your existing kit as a guide).
o If you wish to add your name to the vest, you will need to arrange to have this printed yourself as per the existing arrangements.
o Prices are very competitive with the Running Vest costing £18.50, the T Shirt £19.70, the Hoodie £21 and the long sleeved T shirt £21.50.
o Any queries contact HRR on