As members of Hart Road Runners we pride ourselves on being a social and inclusive running club where all are welcome.

This year we have a number of social events to look forward to including: a spring get-together, the Annual Awards evening, a summer BBQ, and our Christmas party.  More details on these to follow!  We in the process of fully updating our social events for 2025… and have a new social events committee (Lynne, Caroline, Ruth, Mimi, and Dom – see below).

We also have our Thursday night social runs where runners of all abilities meet for a chatty and social run where no-one is left behind.

New for this year; every 3rd Thursday we are going to do things a little differently…. so please keep an eye on this page for further details.

And finally, watch this space for more details on our special Valentine’s Day themed social run which will feature drinks and a ‘treat’!  More details to follow soon….

The Hart Road Runners Social Committee

(Believe it or not, when the social committee are not busy organising events, they have been known to actually get outside and run…!)