Congratulations to everyone who ran the Fleet 5km and 10km today. A great run by all. Some fantastic achievements by club members today.
Louise Apsey 1st lady F40-49
Helen Hart 2nd lady F40-49
Charley Howard 3rd lady F40-49
Lesley Locks 3rd lady over all and 1st lady F40-49
Alexa King 3rd Senior ladies
Claire Fletcher 3rd lady F40-49
Heather Allen 2nd lady F60-69
Steve Gumbrill 5th male over all and 2nd Senior Male
Charlie Boffin 3rd male M50-59
Jon Cross 1st male M60-69
Ged Ruffle 3rd male M60-69
Derek Graves 2nd male M70+
HRR Ladies won 1st and 2nd team prize and the HRR Men won 3rd team prize in the 10km.
Also, a big congratulations to Jon Cross for breaking HRR club record for 10k Male 60+